Our Curriculum

We are currently re-designing our Teaching and Learning pages within our website and new content is being uploaded.

We envisage that this process will be completed by Friday 10th May 2024


Ben Robinson


Our Curriculum Intent

A Dynamic and Aspirational Curriculum at Parkwood Hall Co-operative Academy

At Parkwood Hall Co-operative Academy, our curriculum is crafted to cater to the diverse needs of our pupils. Rooted in our commitment to inclusivity and excellence, our curriculum is purposefully designed to captivate every learner, ensuring they are fully engaged, provided with enriching learning experiences, and challenged with ambitious lessons and content.

Our curriculum framework is not just a set of subjects and lessons; it's a set of dynamic pathways that fosters growth and achievement for every pupil, regardless of their starting point. Through our bespoke approach, we recognise and celebrate the unique talents, abilities, and aspirations of everyone within our school community.

Key Features of Our Curriculum:

Engagement: Our curriculum is structured to ignite curiosity, foster creativity, and stimulate active participation in learning. By offering a diverse range of engaging activities and real-world applications, we ensure that every pupil is enthused and motivated to explore and excel.

Quality Learning Experiences: At Parkwood Hall, quality is paramount. Our curriculum is designed to deliver high-quality learning experiences that inspire confidence, instil resilience, and nurture a lifelong love for learning. Through adaptive teaching methods, interactive resources, and collaborative projects, we cultivate a culture of personal growth.

Challenge and Aspiration: We believe in setting high expectations for all our pupils and empowering them to reach their full potential. Our curriculum challenges learners to problem-solve creatively and strive for independence. By fostering a culture of ambition and aspiration, we equip our pupils with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to succeed.

Inclusivity and Adaptability: Every pupil at Parkwood Hall is valued and supported on their learning journey. Our curriculum is flexible and adaptive, catering to individual needs, interests, and learning styles. Through personalised learning pathways and targeted interventions, we ensure that all pupils have access to the support and resources they need to thrive.


“In essence, our curriculum at Parkwood Hall Co-operative Academy is not just about imparting knowledge; it's about nurturing the whole child, empowering them to become resilient, confident, and compassionate individuals who are ready to make a positive impact on the world.”

Our Curriculum Pathways

The Parkwood Hall Learning Pathways Overview

At Parkwood Hall Cooperative Academy, we are committed to meeting the diverse needs, strengths, and challenges of our pupils. Historically, our approach to meeting these needs has been structured around three distinct 'Learning Pathways'. However, as we continue to evolve and refine our curriculum, we have recognised the necessity for a fourth Learning Pathway to further enhance our provision.

The Four Learning Pathways:

Learning Pathway One (LP1):
LP1 is designed for pupils of compulsory school age who have more complex needs or specific learning difficulties. It offers a personalised approach to learning, with a focus on individualised support, specialist interventions, and access to tailored resources and therapies to ensure every pupil reaches their full potential.

Pathway Two (LP2):
LP2 is tailored to support pupils of compulsory school age who may require additional support or adaptations to access a form of mainstream curriculum content. It offers a blend of subject specific and vocational opportunities, allowing pupils to develop essential skills and competencies in preparation for further education and training or potential employment.

Pathway Three (LP3):
LP3 is designed for sixth form pupils who have more complex needs or specific learning difficulties, similar to those in LP1. It provides a personalised approach to learning, offering individualised support, specialist interventions, and access to tailored resources and therapies to ensure every pupil reaches their full potential.

Pathway Four (LP4)
LP4 is specifically designed for sixth form pupils who may benefit from additional support or adaptations to access a subject specific curriculum, echoing the assistance provided in LP2. It offers a diverse range of academic and vocational opportunities, equipping pupils with essential skills and life competencies for their transition to further education and training or the workforce.

By expanding our Learning Pathways to include Pathway Four, we aim to ensure that every pupil at Parkwood Hall has access to the appropriate support and resources needed to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.



Key Stage

Available Pathways




Learning Pathway One (LP1)

Learning Pathway Two (LP2)

Compulsory School Age

















Learning Pathway Three (LP3)

Learning Pathway Four (LP4)

Sixth Form





Our Curriculum Long-term Overviews

We are currently re-designing our Teaching and Learning pages within our website.

New content will be uploaded by Friday 10th May 2024


Ben Robinson


Our  Curriculum Content Providers

We are currently re-designing our Teaching and Learning pages within our website and new content is being uploaded.

We envisage that this process will be completed by Friday 10th May 2024


Ben Robinson



Our Curriculum Leads

If you would like further information about our Curriculum, please contact either:

Ozlem Strong, Senior Deputy Principal (Teaching and Learning)

Stephen Maragh, Assistant Principal (Learning Pathway 1)

Katie Trew, Assistant Principal (Learning Pathway 2)

Narinder Haines, Assistant Principal (Learning Pathway 3 and Vocational Lead)