Termly Review Meetings

In response to parent and carer feedback and our School Improvement Plan, we are moving away from Individual Education Plans (IEPs) to Personal Learning Plans (PLPs).  In doing so, we are aiming to make parents and carers much more involved in what their child is working on, and to work closer in partnership with you on your child’s progress. 


IEPs have an emphasis on an academic education, and up to now, all pupils have a literacy and a numeracy target despite their needs, abilities, and EHCP Outcomes.

PLPs consider the pupils holistically, focusing on:

  • learning from their individual starting points;
  • learning across a broad curriculum which encompasses both academic and life skills;
  • directly linking to EHCP Outcomes.

How do PLPs work?

  • Each pupil has one Personal Learning Plan.   Within their PLP, they have 6 PLP targets per long term (Autumn, Spring and Summer).
  • Targets are set by the class teacher in partnership with parents, pupils where possible, other professionals (e.g. therapists or counsellors where relevant), and either SENCOs or SLT in the school.
  • Targets are discussed in teams at school first, and then agreed between class teacher and parents during Termly Reviews (TR) three times a year (Autumn, Spring, and Summer) during a 30 minute meeting on School Cloud software. 
  • Most meetings will happen during the day across one week, with a few evening slots available for working parents on a Tuesday evening. 

Termly review


  • Each TR will follow the same format: What is Working Well; Areas of Difficulty; Reviewing current PLP Targets from Spring Term onwards; and agreeing new PLP Targets.  There is a short, written summary for each Termly Review which will be sent out to you via email and hard copy following the meeting.
  • From Spring Term onwards, parents and carers will be shown evidence towards each of the targets that their child has achieved.  This will eventually be accessible on Evidence for Learning.



School Cloud

School Cloud is a software system used by thousands of schools to conduct meetings with parents and carers online.   The system has an automatic booking system where parents and carers can choose appointment times that work better for you.

The slots are automatic, and they will begin exactly at the time parents and carers have selected.  They will also end automatically after 30 minutes meaning that other parents and carers are not left waiting.

Parents and carers do not need to download any apps or software. The appointments are held over the internet.